Monday, February 7, 2011
There existed a tree of life before we were all born. The tree was a wish fulfilling tree granting all our wishes. It had the wisdom of good and the bad. Nothing was beyond its control. The same tree resides in all of us in our own consciousness. The tree is in our own feelings, emotions which spring from our deeper mind which we call the 'intellect'. If we really feel good about something, there so it is according to what you thought. The belief system plays a very pivotal role in shaping our personalities & attitudes. It takes 21 days to change an existing belief system. A very effective affirmation to create positive changes goes as follows "Everyday in every way i am getting better, richer & healthier". Say it for 100 times daily & see the profound changes it creates in your system. New opportunities will come your way, positive developments will occur, your health will improve & finances will stabilize. Affirmations are time tested & proven to manifest the changes whatsoever you desire. There is an old adage to prove this. It says "Repetition is the mother of all learning". Even the Bible quotes that 'Acknowledging Gods WORD' repeatedly will wash your spirit of old things and you will become a new creation. The most appropriate time for affirmations is before going to bed & just after waking up. RESEARCH has proved that at these times the brain is in the utmost receptive state & any ideas planted will reap its reward in due course of time.